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6.5 Other Messages

Available message types:

6.5.1 balance: customer balance and open stake

The current Sportmarket balance and total stake from unsettled bets.


balance [ list[string, float] ]

The Sportmarket balance of the current user, as a 2-element list, where the first element is a currency code and the second element an amount in that currency.

open_stake [ list[string, float] ]

The open stake of the current user, as a 2-element list, where the first element is a currency code and the second element an amount in that currency.


"balance": ["EUR", 10000.1],
"open_stake": ["EUR", 152.55]

6.5.2 xrate: exchange rate to GBP updated


ccy [ string ]

The ISO 4217 code for the currency.

rate [ number ]

The exchange rate between GBP and the currency.


"ccy": "EUR",
"rate": 1.27